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Update on Publication of County Government Employee Salaries

Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz’s publishing of county government employee salaries on the county government’s website has upset many employees.  County employees are concerned about whether the availability of such information will make identity theft easier for criminals. In addition, some employees wonder what other information could be accessible through county websites.
County employees should know that under the Maryland’s Public Information Act certain information about public employees CAN NOT be revealed. This information includes personal information, financial information, and personnel records. In other words, a state or county employee’s address, driver’s license number, social security number, telephone number  (or any identification number), medical records, or disability information, CAN NOT be revealed. 
In addition, information pertaining to public employee’s finances, such as assets, income, liabilities, net worth, bank balances, financial history, or credit worthiness, CAN NOT be revealed.
Public employee names, salaries, job classifications, entry duty dates, or places of employment are not personal, but are matters of public record and, as such, the publication of such information is permissible.
State and county employees should know that no information, other than that which is legally permissible, may be published on the county government’s website.


At the general meeting on June 22, 2011, the new board was introduced to the membership.

President- Karen Pilecki

Vice President- Yvonne Macklin

Treasurer- VACANT

Secretary- Sara Breedlove

BCFPHN Ratify Contract with County until 2014

Baltimore County public health nurses voted to protect jobs with county by a 97% vote.  Yesterday, June 30, 2011, the county nurses let their voices be heard and assured NO furloughs or layoffs for three more years.  In these times of tough economic situations, the members decided it was important to perserve the benefits that have been perviously negotiated and voted to extend the present agreement with the county administration.  Thereby assuring that ALL longevity and steps will be honored and guaranteed.
State Retirees Are Under Attack and We Need Your Help, ACT NOW! MORE

Memorandum Of Understanding

Contract between Baltimore County Administration and The Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses. July1, 2010 through June 30, 2012.